Paul Branski
3 min readApr 7, 2021


Government making 2021 worse than 2020?

In my sixty three years of living, I, like most of you, have never gone through a year like 2020. The riots that burned our cities and the Coronavirus that took way too many lives will be forever entrenched in our memories. We were all counting down the days, as new years was approaching, when we could rip up our 2020 calender's and start fresh with a better 2021. But something bad happened. Our Government failed us big time.

I know quite a number of people didn’t like Trump. He simply didn’t talk or act like your typical President. But I guess that’s why he got elected. So, election day came along, and through what many people feel was a tainted voting system, an aging and bumbling man became elected to the top position in our country. He has joined the rest of the lifetime futile people who have polluted our Congress and Senate for decades. The finger pointing has continued to blame Trump for all our countries ill wills. But watch out folks, that will soon end.

The actions of our present administration will make people forget about Trump and continue to separate our great citizens into an even more divided nation. Because of the so-called Chinese virus, our wonderful Asian folks are being wrongly blamed and pushed aside for something they had nothing to do with. Our gas prices are soaring, thanks to slow Joe, and will continue to go up. This will mainly affect the poor people out there, you know, the ones that voted this President into office. Opened uncontrolled borders, killing more babies through abortion, giving outlandish amounts of money to foreigners as many of our fellow Americans go homeless and hungry. The list is endless.

All the problems in our great nation can be fixed. Many are complicated, but with some effort, we can repair the damage that has caused pain and suffering for endless years. We have to, in a very short time, end the cycle of destruction caused by our elected officials. One way or the other, we mustn't continue to let a chosen few knuckleheads in Washington DC stay on the path of destroying our lives. But how do we do it. Will the knight in shining armor appear to save us? Do we need a revolution to occur? Should we wait patiently for God to bring us eternal justice?

The question is. How bad do we let things get out of control? We have a President who falls upstairs and can’t complete a sentence. A vice President who laughs like an evil and sinister witch waiting to ponce on her next victim. She has proven one thing in her carreer. She has no ability to do anything right. And worse, they are controlled by old, rich and immoral fellow politicians who have nothing but destruction in store for all of us. Most of us are sitting at the edge of our seats nervously waiting for more bad news, and with good reason. No one at in Washington has any desire to help this country out. I do pray things get better, especially for our next generation of children. But this time it looks like we need something more than prayers and high hopes. Something, but what?



Paul Branski

I’m a husband and father of three who’s filled with opinions and has finally decided to share my thoughts with others.